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Lavastones are fine grained igneous rocks created through the rapid cooling of volcanic lava flows as they reach the earth's surface. Most lavastones used in construction are grey to black in colour and while some exhibit a 'frothy' appearance due to the gases contained in volcanic eruptions, others are very dense with no visible holes.These stones are hard wearing, scratch and stain resistant making them extremely versatile, and suitable for a range of applications. It has the ability to adapt easily to temperature. It can also undergo thermal shocks without breaking.


Common finishing;

1) Sawed

2) Split Face

3) Glazed & Polished


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Usage: It can be used in fireplaces, in bathrooms, for shower tiles / floors,on stairs, on countertops and tabletop, in sinks, on floors and in swimming pools, mosaics, and scuptures.

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