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East Malaysia


Trade Name: Borneo Ironwood (Belian)

Botanical Name: Eusideroxylon Zwageri Teijsm

Grows in: Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sabah, Sarawak and the Philippines


  • Sapwood white or pale yellow and distinct

  • Texture coarse and even

  • Grain interlock

Color Ranges and Color Change:

Heartwood light brown to almost bright yellow weathered to deep reddish brown, very dark brown, or almost black

Wood Density: 1000 - 1105 kg m-3 air dry

Durability: 30 years and above (with maintenance and proper installation)


Uses: Meant for heavy construction, boat building, piling, factory flooring, furniture and other exterior purposes

Size: Common thickness of 20 - 50mm.


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