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IRONWOOD (Shingles)




Iron Wood are naturally hard and heavy. Such characteriestics make them suitable for all forms of heavy construction such as decking and marine construction. Ironwood (835 ~ 1185 kg/m3 air dry) has relatively higer density level than Chengal (915 ~ 980 kg/m3 air dry). Although both wood species have considerable high surface hardness, the tendency of forming hairline cracks are relatively common compared to softwood such pine trees.Natural DurabilityAccording to Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) , both ironwood and chengal are naturally durable and have high resistance to termite attacks and fungi infestation. Forest Logging & Cost Pertaining to HealthAccording to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Chengal is already classified as a vulnerable species found mostly in proctected areas in Malaysia. Iron Wood, on the other hand, which has about 27 species worldwide, is considered to have moderate level of supply to date. Hence, in view of protecting the trees in the global forests, using of iron wood and matured chengal is preferred. On another medical research report from Tan Tock Seng Hospital, it is concluded that exposure to chengal wood dust can lead to occupational asthma (OA) and possibly rhinitis. Therefore, care should always be emphasized during any restoration of chengal woodwork.2 common problems with iron wood are staining and cracks. Due to its hard texture, iron wood is difficult to absorb stain into the wood.


IronWood greys over time.

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